ReCreating RESTful API's

This week we focused on creating RESTful API's. We used a blog tutorial written by Jeff Anderson. In Building a Node.js REST API with Express, Jeff goes through step by step what needs to happen in order to set up, respond and test an API that you develop. I…

The Passport Process

Configuring PassportFinally! Our application is now set up and ready for us to configure passport (Which we did in the last post, Setting up for Passport). All of the configuration for passport will be done in the config/passport.js file. Passport with a New User Because a user needs…

Setting up for Passport

Why do I want to use Passport? Each social network (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.) sends data differently from their server and the user information is encoded differently on each network. Passport normalizes this data so it is conformed to one standard. The standardized information becomes the profile object. Since the…