Continuing to Persist with Redis

In my last blog post, Persisting with Redis, I described the long overdue ah-ha moment of figuring out the incredibleness of async callbacks meant and how it can do wonders for you and your program. Recap: Node.js runs on asynchronous calls meaning that it will continue functioning until an…

Persisting with Redis

It has taken alot of persistance to get my persisting data to work! Redis has been on my to do list for about 3 weeks and despite following a series of different tutorials, reading docs and generally just trying to immerse myself in it in hopes that something might click…

Conditionally Confused Part 2

Prompt User for Name So I started working on my first goal: Prompt User for name Even though this was suppose to be the easiest one, I still didn't know where to begin. So I wrote down what exactly I needed in order to prompt user for their name: when…